At BOLD Integrated Payments, we are excited to announce a significant milestone in our journey—a renewed commitment to our core values, encapsulated in what we proudly call the “VersiValues.” This framework isn’t just a list of ideals; it’s the blueprint of our passion and vision, reflecting who we are and aspire to be as a company. As we share these values, we invite you to explore how they shape our operations, innovations, and relationships both within and outside our organization.

We Are All In

At the heart of BOLD’s ethos is a commitment to a singular vision: success for ALL parties involved. This means every team member, partner, and client can expect us to be fully invested—wholeheartedly committed to achieving collective success. This foundational value drives us to be enthusiastic, passionate, and relentless in our pursuit of excellence. We harness determination and creativity to solve problems, ensuring that our dedication translates into tangible benefits for everyone we work with.

We Dare to Be Different

In a competitive industry, differentiation is key to success. BOLD embraces a culture that is inherently fun and approachable, making us distinct in our field. We prioritize our partners and team members first, ensuring that every interaction with BOLD is not just a transaction but a meaningful exchange. This people-first mentality is evident in our approachability and commitment to delivering excellence. We are innovatively different, continually seeking ways to stand out in our approaches and solutions, ensuring that being caring and fun is part of our everyday work life.

We Are Human

Perhaps the most profound of our core values is our acknowledgment of our humanity. BOLD is built on the strength of genuine relationships and diverse perspectives. We support each other fully, recognizing that building meaningful relationships within and outside the company enhances our work. Respect is non-negotiable, and accountability is upheld in every task we undertake. We embrace genuineness, authenticity, and vulnerability, allowing us to connect on a human level and build trust that transcends business interactions.

Implementing Our Core Values

Internally: Cultivating a Supportive Work Environment

Internally, these values mean nurturing an environment where every employee feels valued and empowered. By embracing these core values, we foster a workplace where team members are motivated to bring their best selves to work, knowing they are supported not just professionally but personally. Our leadership is committed to being exemplars of these values, ensuring that from the top down, BOLD is a living model of its principles.

Externally: Enhancing Client and Partner Relationships

Externally, the VersiValues guide our interactions with clients and partners. We approach every business relationship with a commitment to integrity and excellence, ensuring that we deliver not just solutions but exceptional experiences. Our dedication to creativity and problem-solving means that our partners can rely on us for innovative solutions that genuinely meet their needs.

Looking Forward

As we move forward, these core values will guide our decisions and strategies. They are not just words on a page but standards we live by, ensuring that as BOLD grows, we remain focused on the fundamental aspects of our culture that have driven our success. Whether you’re a potential partner, a new client, or a prospective employee, these values offer a window into what it means to work with and for BOLD.

We are excited for what the future holds and are proud to have a set of core values that truly represent our mission and vision. With the VersiValues leading the way, we are more ready than ever to take on new challenges, innovate, and continue delivering exceptional service that underscores why BOLD Integrated Payments is a leader in the payment processing industry. 

Join us on this exciting journey as we redefine what it means to be bold, committed, and genuinely human in the world of financial technology.


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